Monday, February 17, 2014

Commitment (Monday Morning in the Desert)

I recently saw this picture of a rollerblading monk on Twitter (Thanks to Br. Benjamin, @bro_bol). I do not know the identity of the monk or the story behind the picture, but a thought occurred to me:  Here is someone who truly loves his vocation. This monk is comfortable being who he is, even under circumstances that look out of place.

An anecdote from one of the Desert Fathers conveys a similar message regarding finding (and commitment to) a vocation that is consistent with who we are:

"Moses asked Silvanus, 'Can a monk live every day as though it were the first day of his monastic life?' Silvanus answered, 'If you are truly committed to your way of life, you can live every day, every hour, as though it were the first day or hour of your monastic life.'"

(From p. 124 of "The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks", translated by Benedicta Ward).


  1. This monk Father Anthony of the Transfiguration. At the time he was simply Brother Anthony. He is a member of the Community of the Beatitudes, and my brother-in-law!
    He does love his vocation. You can learn more about him here:

    1. Sorry for the delay in responding - Thank you for this information! Your brother-in-law is a great witness to the faith in the modern world. Peace be with you.
